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Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's finally friday tmr! another week gone. holidays approaching.. YAY.

went to experience the "fish therapy". it's definitely worth the money. as william put it, your skin will become "shiny and smooth". LOL. you can see swarms of fishes sucking on your dead skin. omg. the first feeling is ticklish, but will get use to it fast. check my leg at the end of the session, not really that shiny lah.

annual camp coming soon. sigh.. why it falls on my school day?! now have to shuffle between two places.

and i just realise how funny the foreigners in singapore greet each other.

guy 1 : hey simi lanjiao?!
guy 2 : hey cb!
then shake hand. LOL?!

i was like trying not to laugh out sia. AHAHAHA. but the great day was ruined. I LOST MY FREAKING THUMBDRIVE. OMG.

10:48 PM

Saturday, November 15, 2008

been getting lazy to update. until dear nagggggggg me. =p

TGIS! i mangaed to survive school for 5 weeks! another 3 weeks to go before my holidays start! yay! :D but i'm still late for classes because of the traffic. sigh.

it's 1 year! finally, after soooo long. and i still remember how i got to know dear. :D went out with her on that day. really can't decide where to go. instead settled on plaza sing. went to watch madagascar. a pretty good comedy. hahahaha. went to eat before that. thus, no appetite for dinner =/ wanted to take neoprints, but the price is like daylight robbery man! 10 bucks?! i still remember last time was about 4 bucks. 2.5times more! wth? dropped the idea and sent her home. guess what, we got the same present for each other :D

3:06 PM




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