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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

finally it's holiday time! which means it's working time too! (plays the song "Money Money Money")

i've been out of this world since don't know when. it seems that i'm oblivious to the things happening around me. alot of things that happened, i'm like always the last one to know about it. i don't know why too!

great news, i flunked my electronics. great.. really great.. i studied and used up all of my brain juices, yet i still don't get the question. the tag "Examinations in progress" hanging outside the exam room really add on to the pressure. all the 15 lectures, which i attended but slept through, and tutorials doesn't seems to help at all. nothing comes out of my mind when i read the paper. finally gave up after trying for 1 hour. packed my things, handed up the paper and off i went to find my friends who gave up even faster than me.

i'm addicted to hong kong shows! it's so much nicer than singapore shows lah. not that i don't support local products, but it's the truth that hong kong produce much better drama serials.. at least the plot is not repeated over again..

3:07 AM

Monday, August 11, 2008

it's been such a long time since i blogged, and with someone nagging me, i doubt i can escape this.
ATC is finally over! i can relax, not. my semester exams is on, i doubt i will have enough time to enjoy.

carried on with my mahjong session with alan and co. after ATC. i don't know why, but it seems that i am addicted to mahjong. ;) get to go out with her on the wkends. spent hours trying to figure out where's the best place to watch the fireworks and how to get out of the crowd that was trying to leave the place. i finally gave up trying to squeeze into the crowd and went to have a bite at suntec.

went to the church service with her on sun. how can i refuse? when her dad asked me to tag along.. went to watch mummy after that. was quite okay only, although she keep claiming she will get nightmares.. ahahahaha

3:46 PM




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