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Monday, April 14, 2008

ahh, didn't post much these few days. was quite busy lah.

went back to SGS for the speech day. i wasn't quite satisfied with the parade, but overall, it's still ok lah. went to the hall for the concert after the parade. shereen was so kan jiong man. the emcee haven't talk finish she went up to take her award already. make the emcee kan jiong also. haha.

spent the whole day at HTA clocking my hours for the NPDP 2008. reached there at about 10am, and started doing all those carrying of things and stuffs. at the end of the day was so damn tired and shag that me and alan decided to cab home. and its not cheap -.-

met up with them at bishan to shop for clothes. i found out that my wardrobe is lacking of polo tees and bermudas.. sigh. didn't managed to find the bermudas but got some polo tees. went off to work after that.
i miss this day.

12:30 AM

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

woke up early today, settled something and off i went to sgs for the speech day rehearsal. patronized Aston for dinner. wah, its damn nice lah. cheap also. next time go garden must try other food already.

went to meet the siao girls after that. play poker until 11plus. reached home and checked the emails. all these things have not died down after so long. sigh.

12:16 AM

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

woke up damn early today. it was like 8am in the morning when my mom woke me up(that's considered early to me..) and its the first time i woke up specially just to have breakfast during holidays these past four years!

after that went metal ring to meet wee chuan to play basketball. wahlau, say meet 11am, in the end all like reached at around 11.30am. NEVERMIND. played until 2plus, went for lunch and went home. after bathing, my eyes can't stand it anymore. i lied on the bed and totally knocked out.

woke up with a damn headache and here blogging while having my dinner. sigh..
i've never felt like this before.

11:08 PM




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