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Sunday, December 30, 2007

for the first time of my life, i'm lost in a shopping centre! lol! *slap my forehead* can't believe it.
vivocity is so damn big lah. spent 30 mins just to search for pastamania(i can't get enough of its baked rice. lol). we are practically going in circles. hahahahah.

having a big headache over the christmas presents(i know its abit late, but late is better then none right?). i'm totally clueless about what to buy! went from one shop to another, searching for suitable(and maybe presentable) presents, but none caught my eye. i asked gordon, "So how? still cannot find leh." his reply was, "Good question. i also dunno." in the end, didn't manage to get any presents, but i got my vintage jeans! woot!

11:22 PM

Friday, December 28, 2007

hohoho. today was the same like before. slacking at home, waiting for jobs, watching videos, surfing the net, one particular person(yes its you ann) disturbing me on msn from her workplace. ah. how "nice" my life is. just feeling weird all over. can't explain why. dun feel like talking. ah crap.

asked ann to help me put up the links. i ma blog noob. all this embedded code or whatever u called it, gives me headache. man, life's really boring. proof? i'm watching power rangers just to kill time. dad's working, mum went out. left me alone at home. gives me the urge to do a Home Alone. lol.

time really flies. a blink of eye, O's is over, CIBTC is over, christmas is over. year 2007 is coming to an end. a start of my tertiary life in 2008. better? or worse? who knows? : )

4:11 PM

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Congrats to me for reviving my own blog. lol.. people have been asking me why i didn't keep a blog. my answer will always be "i'm just too lazy to maintain it lah". but somehow, today, something just aroused my interest in blogging. dun ask me what is it.. plus, i doubt i'll be maintaining this for long. ahahaha

that's for the start. now the main dish.

today was crappy. dun feel like going out. dun feel like talking. just dun feel like socialising with people. i was supposed to go out with her today. but somehow, i couldn't contact her. she msged me at night to tell me she was grounded. oh well. was expecting that anyway. : (

my POP last saturday marks the beginning of my CI life. WTH, the damn rain spoil the mood for us. its a once in a lifetime thing. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. after enduring 3 weeks of screwing by the CII, the POP was one thing i really look forward to. SIGH, guess that can't be helped. how i miss the days i spent with my squad. it's not the same when spending the 4 days with my ATC group and spending 9 days with Charlie. the scoldings we got and the fun and laughter during meal times was unforgettable.

on the last sharing session with the squad, wei yi pointed out that we might be close for now, we will(or will not) somehow lose contact with each other after our POP, which was quite true. but no matter what, charlie will always be in our heart! yeah!

11:30 PM




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  1. December 2007
  2. January 2008
  3. February 2008
  4. March 2008
  5. April 2008
  6. May 2008
  7. June 2008
  8. July 2008
  9. August 2008
  10. September 2008
  11. October 2008
  12. November 2008
  13. December 2008
  14. January 2009
  15. May 2009
  16. June 2009

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